Monday, 9 September 2013

Python Challenge 2

Continuing the python challenges , this one looks complex when you first see it due to its sheer amount of input data, but think for a while and you realize  how beautiful python strings are.
Read the challenge here :

Basically the problem is to find out characters hidden in a very very long input string. In the python challenge site, the input string is hidden in the html page source as a comment, but I have given that string below. Use this in your python code in a peculiar way and find the hidden text in it.

I loved this puzzle because when I was working on solving this, I was trying to figure out the logic and suddenly it occurred that the solution was possible just using string type in python and really nothing else.
Hint: help("string")
Will post my solution in few days.

Here is the long Input string:



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

# Assuming the complex looking characters are copied to the file

import re

with open("pagesource.txt") as f:
contents =

print "".join(re.findall("[A-Za-z]", contents))

Output: equality