Friday, 22 November 2013

Commands for various tools to do Static Code analysis of C C++ source

Static code analysis is a very important step that every software developer, organisation should carry out to check if the code has any subtle possible issues which could cause bugs in the code.
A static code analysis of code using various tools can detect many errors or warning in the code like uninitialized variables, dangerous variable type conversions signed to unsigned, language specification violations etc.

Here I am going to explain in detail, usage of multiple static analysis tools
which I use for detecting such possible issues in my C,C++ code. After I get the output errors and warnings from these static analysis tools, a thorough code review of the code is done and then I try to remove as much errors and warnings as possible considering there could be some 'false positive' issues reported by some of these tools at some places of code. But either ways it is good to have all diagnostics of the code done and available to you, to be able to take an informed decision about possible changes to the code.

My code development setup is such that the C C++ code I have needs to be able to compile on Windows-x86, Linux-x86, and Linux-ARMV7 platforms.
The code is written in a protable way with all architecture specific, os specific calls inside conditional statements such that it does not cause build issues on either of the platform mentioned above.

Below is the exact command-line options, settings used in each code analysis/compiler tool to get maximum information in form of errors and warnings about possible issues in code.
1] gcc 
I always compile my code using below gcc options in the make file:-
 -Wall -Wextra -Wuninitialized -pedantic
These options almost always detect many issues like variables used
before initializing them, all warnings , even some pedantic warnings about
non-adherence to code language standard.
Few sample warnings these options generated on my code:
   ../../../../../code/my1.cpp:218:54: warning: ‘pChannel’ may be used uninitialized in this function
   ./../../../../../IP/Lib/src/portablity.h:90:12: warning: unused parameter ‘numberOfElem’ [-Wunused-parameter]
2] clang
Clang is an opensource compiler frontend used with llvm
It has a very good code analysis tool to analyze source code.
To analyze a single source file the command is as below:
clang++ --analyze -I/home/ad/IP/Lib/src/  -Weverything -pedantic -fshow-column 
-fcaret-diagnostics -fcolor-diagnostics -ferror-limit=9999999 -fdiagnostics-show-category -std=c++98 file1.cpp

Sample warnings and errors clang static analyzer generated:
 /home/ad/IP/Lib/src/Pkt.h:60:6:error: ISO C++ forbids forward references to 'enum' types
 /home/ad/IP/Lib/src/Pkt.h:67:4:error: field has incomplete type 'Pkt_t

3] PRQA-C++
 This tool from PRQA research is a good tool which enforces MISRA C/C++ rules in its static code analysis process.
There is a evaluation version of this tool available for download and try.
You can add all source files into the project in this tool and run code analysis on them
It generates a compliance report on analyzing the source files and detect and report issues like Conversion to unsigned,
  Overflow and wraparound issues, Portability Problems and many others.

4] PCLint
 PCLint is a static analysis tool which has been around for a long time now.

 lint-nt-8p.exe -w4 -wlib(0) -e309 -e1904 +fce +fcp +cpp(cpp,cxx,cc) -i"C:\mycode\include" file1.cpp > file1cpp_lintoutput.txt

This will generate the lint code analysis report in the file file1cpp_lintoutput.txt

Sample output of the lint static code analysis:

 #define NUM_OF_ERROR_CODES 88
 ErrorCodes.h  45  Note 1923: macro 'NUM_OF_ERROR_CODES' could become const variable

  Msgs.h  352  Note 958: Padding of 7 byte(s) is required to align member
    on 8 byte boundary

5] Eclipse Codan Analysis
 Eclipse is a free tool. Download and install Eclipse CDT.
Create a workspace in ecliplse. Create new empty C/C++ project in it. Then add your source and header files to that project.
Eclipse has a inbuilt code analysis toot called CODAN.
Right-click Eclipse project-->Run C/C++ Code analysis. This shows all errors/warnings generated from this analysis.

6] Cppcheck 
This is a static C/C++ code analysis tool available of linux. On Ubuntu we can install it as
sudo apt-get install cppcheck

cppcheck --enable=all -I ./ -I /home/ad/IP/Lib/include/ -I /home/ad/src/include/  file1.cpp
If you want you can redirect the output of this static analysis to a text file for later analysis:

cppcheck --enable=all -I ./ -I /home/ad/IP/Lib/include/ -I /home/ad/src/include/  file1.cpp >file1cpp.txt 2>&1

Sample outcome of static code analysis using cppcheck:

[/home/ad/IP/Lib/src/hash.h:160]: (error) Uninitialized variable: data8  
[/home/ad/IP/Lib/src/Log.h:375]: (error) Null pointer dereference
[file1.cpp:5837]: (style) Variable 'pString' is assigned a value that is never used

7] Mac OS XCode static analysis
    I create a XCode C++ project for my code, on MacOSx or iOS.
Then use the XCode inbuild static Code analysis tool which is also pretty nifty and gives information about your source code.

8] Visual C++ 2008 / Visual Studio X All Warnings enabled
  In your Visual C++ solution, you have a project created. Once you add all source files to that project.
  Right click Project-->Properties-->C/C++-->General-->Warning level:
  Here selecting highest level of warning Level 4 /W4 option enables all warnings and diagnostic messages.
  Once you compile the code using VC++, the warnings are displayed in the Build output window of VC++.

 Static analyze your source and catch all potential bugs early before they get a chance to execute and become a pain to debug, as ounce of prevention is better than pounds of cure!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

C++ Class destructor throwing an exception ... No No

In C++ exception handling is feature provided by the C++ run-time environment to handle errors in execution of functions.
Exceptions are helpful if the code which handles error or failure happening in a function is different than the one which calls the function.
C++ allows exceptions using the try, throw and catch constructs provided by the language.
Technically any of the users class member functions can throw an exception if it faces any error or failure in some operation like- memory allocation, dynamic type casting.
It is a bad practice  to have a user defined destructor throw an exception. It could cause many issues in the program and system, few of which listed below -

1] C++ run-time aborts the execution of the program if there are two exceptions throw from same function as it does not know which one to catch -
  So if a destructor which throws is invoked when a local class object
 goes out of scope on end of a function which happens on the account of a exception thrown from the function, the catch block in the hierarchy cannot catch two exceptions and program terminates.

2] A destructor throwing an exception could cause memory leaks in the system due to freeing up of memory not happening -
 If a user has  his classes and objects ,then it could have the 'new' and 'delete' operators overloaded for his class.
 When a dynamically allocated user defined class object is deleted,  first the destructor of the class is invoked and then it invokes the delete operator function.
 But since this destructor throws an exception, the delete operator function is never executed and memory allocated in new operator function is never freed and it leaks memory.

Below cooked up example code demonstrates this behavior.

On compiling this below code using g++ and executing on a Linux it's output is as shown :

Inside constructor
Inside my()
operator new called
Inside constructor
inside try , before deleting pBomb
Inside destructor
caught exception from destructor
Inside my() Before throw no boom
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'

#include "iostream"  
 #include "string"   
 #include "stdlib.h"  
 class Bomb { // bad class throws exception from destructor  
   int x;  
   Bomb() : x(0) {std::cout << "Inside constructor\n" ;}  
   ~Bomb() { std::cout << "Inside destructor\n"; throw "boom"; }  
   void * operator new(size_t n) throw() //This function does not throw  
     std::cout << "operator new called\n" ;  
     return malloc(n);  
   void operator delete(void *p) throw() //This function does not throw  
     std::cout << "operator delete called\n" ; // never gets here  
     if (p != 0) free(p);  
 void my() { //This function throws std::string  
   Bomb myBomb; // local variable that will go out of scope when code exits this function  
   std::cout << "Inside my()\n";  
   Bomb *pBomb = new Bomb();  
   try {  
     std::cout << "inside try , before deleting pBomb\n" ;  
     delete pBomb;  
   } catch (...) {  
     // Gets here but leaks storage. Print output shows that  
     // operator new was called but operator delete was not.  
     std::cout << "caught exception from destructor\n";  
   // program dies here: can't throw two exceptions  
   // ("boom" and "no boom") at the same time.  
   std::cout << "Inside my() Before throw no boom\n";  
   throw "no boom"; // program dies here  
   std::cout << "Inside my() After throw no boom\n";  
 int main(int argc, char **argv)  
   try {  
   } catch (std::string message) {  
     std::cout << "function my() threw %s\n", message; // This is never printed as program terminates before reaching here  

Monday, 23 September 2013

Multipath TCP connections

Just recently , read about an interesting technology in network programming which is implemented for the first time in a commercial setting, in the just  launched Apple iOS-7. It  uses e Multipath TCP connections for the voice activated personal assistant Siri, to improve the Siri user experience which does bulk of its processing on the cloud, hoping that multipath tcp would inprove responsiveness and/or error robustness in case of congested channels.

Multipath TCP connections would allow a device to use various available internet connections like 3G, WiFi, or ethernet(if its connected via laptop/PC which has internet conenction via ethernet) over the most efficient(least congested) connection, in turn giving the user a robust/error free experience. It could also send data concurrently over these multiple connections to provide greater throughput to the application which needs to connect from the device( phone, PC, tablet,..) to the cloud or a application server, thus decreasing latencies and response times, and increasing the overall responsiveness.

This concept of Multipath tcp connections was proposed first in 2008,  in a initiative named Trilogy Project.
There is a document talking about technical guidelines for Multipah TCP development here.

I think and hope that this implementation of multipath TCP in a commercial product should pave way for more devices and protocol stacks having this implementation. I believe and wish this technology helps many bandwidth hungry applications which are also sensitive to network errors due to congestion and packet drops. Although UDP is the protocol of choice for Realtime Audio/Video communication applications like Skype, Google hangouts; Network audio streaming, IPTV, network gaming,  but if various related players in  the industry try implementing a proof of concept solution for this technology in their systems, they can see if their solutions and systems are benefited in some way by using multipath TCP specification. There will be issues about whether it becomes adopted widely, if it resolves interoperability issues and becomes mainstream choice for all networked data communication applications, but nonetheless as a technologist, it excites me for sure. We shall see how it fares in due course of time.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Memory leaks, errors... plug that

Memory leak is the phenomenon when a dynamically allocated memory using malloc or new operator(C++) is not freed and returned to the language runtime/OS. This is a big nemesis in large programs which allocate a new block of  memory recurrently, maybe every time it is called , use more than one pointers to such memory and those pointers are passed as arguments to functions but that memory  freeing up does not happen at proper locations of the code at proper times, which causes a memory block to exist, but the pointer handle to refer that is lost.

Languages like C,C++ inherently(provided by the language specification) do not manage the automatic freeing up of the memory, so programmers have to free all such dynamically allocated memory themselves.
 Such memory leaks cause the usage of the memory in a system to grow if the process is left to run for long time(over night or over days depending upon how large/small and how quickly/slowly the memory is leaked..) and they are a programmers nemesis if they are present in the code.
There are many tools to help in finding if and where(which function/file) there is , and there could be a memory leak.

Valgrind is one of the tool(valgrind is really a set of tools ) which assists in finding memory leaks on a linux platform. Memcheck is the tool in the valgrind suite which helps here. It can analyse C, C++ , Java code and report definite memory leaks, possible leaks or such memory errors like accessing an array out of its allocated bounds, using uninitialized variable etc.

Below is a commandline I use most often to find run a memory leak check analysis on my code on linux:
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full -v --track-origins=yes  --leak-check=full  --track-origins-yes  --log-file=valgrind.log --show-reachable=yes ./executable optionstoexecutable

Executing valgrind memcheck on my code, has saved me a lot of headache and debugging hours by assisting in finding run-time memory related issues in the code.

The generated valgrind.log file can have some of the below information. These is what I got from running valgrind , on one of my projects.

==2807== 1,347,584 bytes in 1,316 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 60 of 63
==2807==    at 0x4028876: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236)
==2807==    by 0x808CE4B: SetBufSize(Buf2_tag&, int) (in service-x86-D)
==2807==    by 0x427187D: clone (clone.S:130)

Above log shows that there is a sure memory leak inside function SetBufSize()
The call order of functions is latest/last function call to earliest from top to bottom
i.e. malloc() is called by SetBufSize() which is involked by clone.
A quick code review of that helped catch that major issue of memory leak.

==1983== 864 bytes in 6 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 29 of 64
==1983==    at 0x402732C: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:467)
==1983==    by 0x4010C34: allocate_dtv (dl-tls.c:300)
==1983==    by 0x40113D8: _dl_allocate_tls (dl-tls.c:464)
==1983==    by 0x404946C: pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.1 (allocatestack.c:571)
==1983==    by 0x80B6A87: CSxThread::start() (in /home/ad17/p4/TM_ad17/depot/acbu/tropos/personal/dev-1.main.ad17_2/output/x86L/debug/bin/tm_service-X86L-D)

==1983==    by 0x41B3112: (below main) (libc-start.c:226)

This is the next serious level of error. Might be a real issue or might not be.
If the pointer to an dynamically allocated memory is changed/moved, to point to say middle of the allocated memory, it thinks that pointer is lost and flags this error. A code review of the indicated function to understand the pointer operations/arithmetic would throw some light as to whether you should be worried about this error or not.

==2807== 102,392 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 56 of 63
==2807==    at 0x402842F: operator new(unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:255)
==2807==    by 0x80A532B: MsgQueue::MsgQueue() (in service-x86-D)
==2807==    by 0x41B3112: (below main) (libc-start.c:226)

What above message means is that there is no actual memory leak as such. It means those are the one time memory allocations which are maintained throughout the runtime of the program. This is not any serious memory error.

==1983== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==1983==    at 0x80C5D80: MyClass::addRoute(Module_tag, Addr_tag const*, char const*) (in service-x86-D)
==1983==    by 0x80CD876: UdpForward (in service-x86-D)
==1983==    by 0x41B3112: (below main) (libc-start.c:226)

Above could be a issue or a false positive warning. What it is saying is there could be some variable used inside a condition check which it thinks could be uninitialized.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Solution to Python Challenge 2

Here is my very simple solution for this python challenge, using  nothing but string functions.
As one comment mentioned, it could be also done using regular expressions, which is again a separate topic and we will see usage of regular expression module(re)  in python with help of some puzzles in coming posts.

Just copy the long input string in place of long input text here as a triple quoted string and assign it to messy_str as shown in second line of code below.
You can download the python file here and run it, if python is installed on your system.

 import string  
 messy_str = """long input text here"""  
 print clean

Monday, 9 September 2013

Python Challenge 2

Continuing the python challenges , this one looks complex when you first see it due to its sheer amount of input data, but think for a while and you realize  how beautiful python strings are.
Read the challenge here :

Basically the problem is to find out characters hidden in a very very long input string. In the python challenge site, the input string is hidden in the html page source as a comment, but I have given that string below. Use this in your python code in a peculiar way and find the hidden text in it.

I loved this puzzle because when I was working on solving this, I was trying to figure out the logic and suddenly it occurred that the solution was possible just using string type in python and really nothing else.
Hint: help("string")
Will post my solution in few days.

Here is the long Input string:
